Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Conference 2010 in Rotary District 7010 has come and gone with flying colours!!

A very successful District Conference happened this past weekend in Peterborough.  From Thursday's Annual Golf game (that escaped the rain), an Afternoon of Caring (a District service project at 4 different United Way supported agencies) and musical entertainment thanks to PDG Sue Cook and her Band; through colourful opening ceremonies, guest speakers including Tom Jackson (Actor, Musician and Chancellor of Trent University), Dr. Chris Furgal (Professor, Indigenous Environmental Studies at Trent University) and Zoe Caron (Author, Activist, President of the Sierra Club); our Rotary International President's Rep. Jennifer Jones; Home Hosting on Friday evening; to the many other Rotary oriented programs (Youth Exchange, GSE, TRF, COL, Rotary projects, etc.) 

During the Conference we also celebrated the 100th Anniversary of the founding of the 1st Rotary Club in Canada with homemade birthday cake and ice cream for all. 

Two other highlights were the Catch the Dream Gala on Saturday evening and the Celebration of Life of 18 deceased Rotarians and 2 partners on Sunday morning.  Besides these more formal events, there was time (usually in the wee hours of each night) for friendship.

All in all it was a very successful Conference with participants better informed, engaged, excited, and ready to get busy with Rotary causes after catching up with sleep and getting on with the rest of their lives.  A very sincere thank you goes out to Kim Winter, Conference Chair, her Conference Committee members and all other volunteers who worked so diligently to make it all happen.  It will take many hugs to show everyone how what they did is valued!!


  1. Excellent Conference! Bravo! Thoroughly enjoyable. Met many special people and witnessed great programs! Hats off to you and the Conference Team!

  2. Olá,

    Sou do Brasil, gostaria de ver mais fotos da conferência, principalmente dos intercambiários que se apresentaram.

    Parabenizo a todos os rotarianos e envolvidos pela excelente organização.


